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Degree Structure for P.A.S

 1.      What Degrees Are: a. Credit for Participation, b. Measurement of Knowledge Obtained, c. Reward for Achievement, d. Inspiration for Members

2.      What Degrees Are Not: a. Ranks, B. Hierarchies, C. An Excuse for Special Privileges

3.      Other Purposes: The 360 Degrees of Knowledge is a crucial element within the Mystery School Tradition. It’s a system of measuring ones commitment to Wisdom. Also, through this system, we can keep track of topics that interest us most; giving us a better understanding of the direction we would like to go as a group.

4.      How it Works:                                                                                              

a.      Meetings – Divided into two groups: Steering Committee and Sessions

b.      Sessions – Meeting days for Classes. Decided by Steering Committee

c.       Classes – Each Class will be taught either by an individual, group, or by collective discussion on one or more of the “Three Paths” (Topic Categories). The intention is to have multiple Classes per Session. And multiple Paths presented per Class.

d.      Three Paths – (or Topic Categories) are: I. Mathematics/Science, symbolized by the Square. II. Philosophy/History, symbolized by the Circle. III. Metaphysics/Self-Help/Other, symbolized by the Triangle. Each Path includes its own degree system equaling up to the final degree of 120 (PathMaster). Every 20 degrees equals a new Grade. Once a member has achieved 120 Degrees in every Path, and received all 6 Grades, he/she will be awarded with the honorable title of 360 Degree Arcanian.

e.      Grades – These are physical awards given to members who have reached certain degrees: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120. (Preferably buttons. Possibly medallions for higher degrees.) Rewarded @ the Steering Committee by a Vote of Consensus.

f.        Degrees – Attendance per class/committee (+6°). Presentation to Class (+12°)

Note: If a class includes more than one path (or category), degrees are then doubled or tripled for each initiate depending on the class. For example: If all three paths are discussed in one class, each attendee shall receive 18 degrees, and each presenter (teacher) shall receive 36 degrees, put towards the sum of their respected paths. The idea is to promote interconnectedness between the Three Paths, in order to reach a higher understanding of existence. Also, each member who attends a committee meeting receives 6 degrees, in which he/she can add to any of their paths. In this way, if an initiate desires not to participate in a certain path, or certain paths are not presented as much, they will still be allowed to achieve 360 Degrees.

Presented JULY 8th, at the Peoples Arcane School Organizing Committee

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